Saturday, December 22, 2007

To make manifest

For quite a while now I have been sending out to the universe a call for a new occupation. I have wanted to step back from patient care since the tremors are embarrassing and required me to overcompensate with a show of professional confidence that became exhausting. I have had limited opportunity to expand professionally since the home and children where always my domain in entirety. I don't know how other superwomen did it, but when I tried to I took a nose dive and had to retire back to house motherhood. I embraced what I could, but found that stir craziness bubbling up again. I want to work for the stimulation, socialization and respect. I like to feel that I am valued. I like the feeling that I have economic value. It goes with the apocalyptic leanings I have blogged about before. I need to know I can survive on my own. And last but not least, I hate asking anyone for money. I have come to understand that I am not comfortable being dependant. I also tried really hard to put on the apron and be content with that. But children and the incessant "mommy look!" s that go with it wear me down. I want to speak in big words and long sentences. I try to honor it as the most important job in the world, but ... I guess I just can't take it full time... Isn't it ironic?
So last week the universe answered. A memo went up describing what I had asked for, but the position was full time. Oh no. No way. Not again. But thanks to a life friend and college of mine, I was encouraged to throw my hat in the ring and make my conditions.
And what do you know but they offered me the position and accepted my conditions. In fact I was highly recommended by my managers. They are willing to train and hopefully I can earn a certification. !
As always there is that anxiety. But the lure of learning and growing... and all this during school hours!!!
Of course the reaction in the family is positive with a reserve. No one wants their world to be affected.
Well. We'll see. Because the other thing I have been asking the universe for is for my world to conform now to my direction, as it has been for so many years the other way around.


Kim said...

Yahoo! You go girl! We can't feed anyone unless we are fed. This sounds like the food your soul has been hungery for of late.

Unknown said...

that is so wonderful!!!! good for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! both girls are in school full time now... no more crazy terrific they gave you what YOU wanted!!!!!

greenwood blogger said...

That's so wonderful! I'm very happy for you! Merry Christmas!