Sunday, October 28, 2007

adrift in the sparkling aftermath

This morning the house became suddenly silent. After the door closed the last time, I found my self standing in the glittering rubble of the morning after a costume event. In my right hand was the phone, in my left the vacuum cleaner. I could hear the refrigerator hum, but I could also hear my head pounding. I set both down in the mess and walked away. In the clutter and chaos of my office, where all things of mine are thrown to be dealt with later, my chair was in two peices. The screw knob had fallen off the bottom of the chair months ago and I didn't have the patience to figure out where it came from. Now where did I put it?
Last night, while I was trying to find my elf ears for my costume, K2 sprinkled generous amounts of glitter on her feather puff wand and went around blessing every one in the house with her magic. Then she spun around on my chair until it fell apart. When she saw how displeased I was with all the fairy dust everywhere and my lack of ears, she pleaded that she really didn't DO ANYTHING to the chair.
There is always a point where all the irritation becomes just ridiculous, and that was it for me. I propped the chair back against the wall and sighed. A giggle bubbled up from the madwoman inside of me.
"Lets just go" I said, and we went.
And it was fine, until this morning when it was all still there.
After searching all horizontal surfaces within a four foot radius, I found the knob on the bottom of the chair, screwed into a hole that did nothing. I didn't remember putting it there, but new I had put it somewhere where I wouldn't lose it. I put the chair together, and felt I was now really getting somewhere. I unearthed my laptop from the bills and school reports and, yes, more glitter and booted up and logged on.
So what what I going so write about today? I forgot. I 'm just glad to finally be here.


greenwood blogger said...

Love the title of today's post. I'm sitting amongst my laptop(s) and bills on the other side of the country from you, having just finished with the phone and vacuum myself. Off to "brunch" with a friend soon...wish you were here so you could join us.

Q -- lately blogging at Harvest Moon

Unknown said...

ha ha ha...i can just see k2 dancing through the house !!!