Saturday, July 5, 2008

The little things that keep me sane

The creature on top of the bird cage was my birthday present. Her name is Luna-- because I said so, whenever the children ask why. She also could have been named Zoom or Bonk, because that is what she does alternately, much to the delight of all of us. She is a living life lesson playing out before us and joy to me in spite of the zooming when one should be sleeping and the early morning ankle biting.
One morning when I was getting ready for work suddenly the pint sized cat was IN the birdcage with the bird. Then the bird was out and the cat was in , and it took a few very long and feather flying seconds to extricate the cat and toss it through closing door, catch the confused and indignant bird and restore order. And put twist ties on all the cage doors in case Miss Puddy-tat decided she wanted a repeat of that action. Cool TOY!
I watch this creature like some kind of little miracle. First The gusto with which she zooms into each game, throwing her self in no worries. Then the bonk. How many times she has missed the mark and BAM-- and she landed, dazed, shook it off for a second and got right on to the next thing. No ruminating. No lingering on it.
That ability to do the same stupid thing over and over again unselfconsciously is at once endearing and amusing to us. Like clowns. Are we condescending or are we enjoying a part of us in another that we have lost?
So even this little kitten makes me wonder so deeply. My gift and my curse I guess.

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